el Composicion corporal y somatotipo de los deportistas de karate do de la liga del atlantico




Body Composition and Somatotype of Karate Do Athletes from the Atlántico League
The morphology of athletes is closely related to sports performance, as previous studies have
shown that certain anthropometric characteristics increase the predisposition to achieve high
performance in karate. This study aims to determine the body composition and somatotype of
karatekas from the Atlántico Karate League. Twenty karatekas from the Atlántico League were
evaluated, including six from the women's team and fourteen from the men's team. Body
measurements were taken according to the protocol of the International Society for the
Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK), including body mass, height, skinfolds,
circumferences, and body diameters. The teams showed similarities in age, height, weight, and
body mass index (BMI). However, elevated levels of body fat were observed: 36.83 ± 3.7 grams
in the women's team and 32.3 ± 5.6 grams in the men's group. The women's team showed a
predominance of endomorphy and mesomorphy, while the men's team showed a mesomorphicectomorphic somatotype, more suitable for sports performance. Both results were significant (p
< 0.05). Although the karatekas had normal weight according to their BMI, their high body fat
levels are not functional for the dynamics and biomechanics of karate. To improve their
performance, it is suggested to focus on designing programs based on applied sports sciences.
Keywords: anthropometry, body composition, karate, somatotype.

