Acoustic conditions in Educational Institutions: a literature review


  • Jose Luis Orjuela Flérez Corporación Universitaria Latinoamericana
  • Suraima Tapia Rojas Corporación Universitaria Latinoamericana


Acoustics, design, condition


Therefore, in this research the objective was: To carry out a review of the literature related to concepts, norms and criteria used in the design and acoustic conditions of classrooms in Educational Institutions. For this, books, scientific articles, academic theses, manuals and models related to the acoustic theme were reviewed, focused on the relationship with the performance of students and the health of teachers. It was concluded that It was concluded that: (i) There is a directly proportional relationship between the acoustic conditions of the classrooms and the vocal health of the teachers, as well as with the stress in them. (ii) There is a directly proportional relationship between the acoustic conditions of the classrooms and the cognitive performance of the students, as well as their speech intelligibility. (iii) In developing countries, the regulations applicable to the acoustic design of Educational Institutions are deficient in relation to those of developed countries.


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How to Cite

Orjuela Flérez, J. L., & Tapia Rojas, S. (2022). Acoustic conditions in Educational Institutions: a literature review. Enfoque Latinoamericano, 5(1). Retrieved from