Behavior of the irish economy after the signing of the peace agreement of friday Santo during the 1998 period until 2008
Behavior, economy, agreementAbstract
Describe the behavior of the Irish economy after the signing of the peace agreement on Good Friday during the period from 1998 to 2008; Methodology: The methodology used in this research article could be a case study, although in the miso not only the case of the peace agreement signed in Belfast is analyzed but also the economic consequences of this signature in the following decade, it is say in the decade between 1998 year of the peace signing and 2008 when the decade of study ends; Result: the analysis of the data concludes that the signing of the agreement in the Irish economy had an influence; Conclusions: It is not scientifically proven that he had the Good Friday agreement, the most important cause in the macroeconomic movements of this decade in Northern Ireland, if it is one of the influences.
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