Impact of risk perception of workers in a construction company in the city of Barranquilla in the year 2022
Seguridad y salud en el trabajo, Riesgo, Percepción, Impacto.Abstract
By means of this quantitative study, of descriptive methodology and of post-positivist paradigm that was carried out on the Impact of the Risk Perception of the workers of the company CONSTRUTODO P&G of the City of Barranquilla in 2022, which had 40 workers , of which an exclusion criterion was selected for the sample, 20 workers were selected, for having a direct exposure to risk, the survey was applied to them and the Likert scale was implemented to be able to measure the perception they had about the risk.
The results show that the variables; environment, prevention and safety, yielded the lowest perception results on the part of the workers, for this reason it is important to know the perception they have about the risk and to be able to recommend opportunities for improvement, to raise the perception about the risk, and contribute to the Health and Safety of workers.
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ATEL Col / 1er Semestre 2022. (2022, septiembre 30). Publicado en octubre 9, 2022, Tomado de